And now -- if the old desk lamp over the stove didn't do the trick -- I can officially call it my office. My laboratory. My nursery. There's a little something in the oven, and it's due before I turn 25. The learned culinary historian Ken Albala and I are putting our crocks together and making an antiquated cookery-book, which Penguin/Perigee is being so kind as to publish, probably in early 2010.
I can scarce believe it. Does the year 2010 even exist? Let alone contain a book authored by ME? As I told the agent/author I intern for, I seriously couldn't have chosen a better lot for myself if I were eight, and that's saying a hell of a lot. I mean, at six, I knew that when I grew up I would sustain myself on lima beans, venison hearts, and rice pudding, and keep my two dozen babies dressed like 18th century nobility in an underground catacomb-house. But at seven I composed a felicentric novella and by eight I was on to poems about the rainbows on fairy wings. I haven't looked back since:
Flicker flicker
Quickly trick her
Snidely snicker
Let them bicker
Flutter flutter
Bite the butter
Spill and clutter
Tongue's a-stutter
(Glitter glitter?
Now I'll get her
Gnash and spit her
Wings are bitter!
Haven't lost the knack.
Anyway, now I can be an author writing about venison hearts and rice pudding!
very cool.
Very exciting. Congratulations- on both your home transformations and your book:-).
wow cuz! this is brilliant news, I eagerly await your upcoming cookbook masterpiece!
Believe it or else, I was led here from Gary Allen's monthy food site updates! Literally while just wandering aimlessly. Remarkables.
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