Friday, September 14, 2007


Tonight after work I hurried into the Trader Joe's for some wine for a dinner party. But of course I had to get a sample from the sample man, and it just so happened I was the only customer sampling the samples. I'd had the same thing last night -- tofu in Cuban mojito simmer sauce -- and told the sample man that I loved the samples. The sample man said I could have an extra, and made it special with parmesan cheese in it. Of course, during the time that he was making me my special sample, I had to engage in charming conversation (easier when buzzing on my favorite iced jasmine tea with half & half). I let him tell me all about Jefferson State, a subjunctive state that would include northern California, southern Oregon, and an extra spoonful of parmesan.

At the dinner party, I was too full for anything but chocolate and somebody's sweet sweet guitar.

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